Frustrated by the lack of recognition for good radio ads, despite the large investment required, Martin and his wife Gemma, both Chartered Marketers with radio experience, thought, "Why not set up our own awards?"
Well, there were certainly challenges, such as the cost, the stress, the fact that they have three kids and not enough hours in the day! But then they thought, "Hey, let's give it a go anyway!" Radio is a channel that can reach almost 90% of the UK adult population*, so let's celebrate it!
*Source: RAJAR - commercial radio reaches c70% of UK adults

We thought long and hard about what we wanted the awards to be and we settled on the following values:
To achieve this, we have clear judging criteria and rules around who can enter. For example, sponsors of the awards cannot enter.
We don't believe awards should be limited to those with big budgets like the larger agencies. We want them open to everyone, so we set our entry fee from just £129 +VAT for our early bird entries.
We are committed to the environment and making these awards sustainable was a key focus for us. We want to minimise our environmental impact, not just for our own kids, but for everyone's.
These awards are designed by marketers for marketers, not by some corporate publishing house or people who don't understand what we go through. We want to give everyone the chance to get together, share ideas, and celebrate what worked for them. Let your hair down and have a bit of fun!
Join us in our mission to celebrate the power of radio advertising and recognise the outstanding achievements of marketers who are pushing the boundaries of creativity and effectiveness. Together, let's amplify the voices of radio advertising and showcase its unparalleled ability to reach and connect with audiences across the UK.